Lincoln Square (773) 654-3575 2328 W Foster Ave., Chicago, IL 60625

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Foods To Avoid During The Holidays

The holidays are here, and they bring with them lots of parties, get-togethers, and special celebrations. However, along with family and friends, these occasions often have an abundance of food and drink options – many of which are harmful to our teeth and gums. Furthermore, when we travel or stay out extra late, it is sometimes difficult to maintain our oral care routine. 

Specifically, there are several food choices you may want to avoid during the holiday season to help your smile stay bright and beautiful well into the new year. Your trusted dentist in Lincoln Square can help you keep your teeth healthy this holiday season.

Limit Acids and Stay Away from Red Wine

Foods and drinks that can stain your teeth are usually indicative of foods that are high in acid. Juices, cocktails, soda, and candy fall into this category and strong acids can cause erosion of the enamel and tooth decay. When it comes to red wine, it’s not only an acidic drink, but it can stain your teeth because of its deep color. If you simply can’t resist, keep a glass of water close by and try to brush your teeth after finishing your beverage.

Limit Sugar

Sugar hides in lots of tasty places, especially candy and soda. Even those tiny after dinner mints can damage your teeth. As far as soda, all colors and brands are harmful and should be avoided if at all possible. Dried fruit is another sticky, chewy culprit that can easily become attached to teeth and stay there. If you are going to indulge in this before dinner favorite, it is important to floss as well as brush afterward to be sure all the food particles are cleaned away.


Whatever you do, we hope you thoroughly enjoy this holiday season. Relax, have fun, and spend time with family and friends. Yes, it’s important to take care of your teeth, and sticking to these guidelines can help; but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge now and again – just remember moderation is key! Contact your dentist in Lincoln Square to be sure your teeth are ready for the holidays.

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